Saturday, March 14, 2009

Group snap with Mannadeshi chairperson

Guest Lecturing:
We had guest lecture by the chairperson of Mrs. Chetana Gala Sinha the founder of "Maldeshi Mahila Bank".  Mrs. Chetana has been dedicating for the empowerment of the women.  She has been protesting women form the local money lenders by giving job opportunity and financial assistance.  The Mandeshi Mahila Bank was started in the year 1996 in Satara district of Maharashtra state.  One important characteristic of this org. is that the Business School for Rural women. Giving training to the rural women regarding tailoring, basic computer education. etc.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Application form of Deshpande Fellowship Program


Dear all,

The Deshpnade Foundation will be recruiting fellows for the Cohort-III Fellowship Program for the July to December 2009. It is a six month fellowship program.  During the fellowship program every fellow will be able to get 7000 to 12000 stipend and lap top with 24 our Internet connection.  It’s an International level funding organization. Now so many organizations are working under the Deshpande Foundation. For example, The Akshara Foundation, BAIF, AME, Water Literacy Foundation, KHPT, Akshaya Patra foundation etc. this list will go on.

This is vital platform for everyone who is interested to fulfill their dream, good job, to start own NGO etc.  And it’s helpful to spread your network global level.  The most important thing is that it’s also helpful to implement your own ideas which will great in future.

So friends don’t miss this opportunity it will not come again in your life. I’m sending here notes and application form. Please download this application and fulfill the all data and write descriptive answers which are asked in this form. And give my reference and one reference of your teacher or your officer. My reference is that,

 Mr. Shambhuling.N.Matpathi,

Cohort-II fellow

Mob no. 91+9980891432

Email Id

Last date is 20th March 2009.  Take 500 Rs DD on BVB-DCSE payable to Hubli.   If you will face any problem while filling the applications feel free with me. It ‘s good that firstly you download the application read in your PC prepare notes regarding which are asked questions in the application form than fill up and save it. Completed application should be sent to given email ID:  while sending the application please send one copy to me. 

For application click on this link:

Effective Interview Tips

Dear all,

Who want's to became a good professional and to get handsom salary.  Learn more things regarding how to give an interview, what are the skills require, how to write a letter to the organization/company etc. I  have given here link.  So Please go with this link:

Effective Presentation Tips

Dear all,

I have given here link for the effective presentation skills.  So go wih this link:

Impact Factory - Business Presentation Skills Training Tips
Visit the Impact Factory website for more...

">Impact Factory - Business Presentation Skills Training Tips
Visit the Impact Factory website for more...


Friday, March 6, 2009

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