Saturday, February 28, 2009

Title of Project


"Study on Organic Manure"


Kallapur village Tq-District


Dated as 16 to 26 February


Background of Study:

I went to Kallapur village as a part of village study. Through this village study I observed low yield of agriculture.  And through the discussion with farmer they are facing this problem.  This reason was promoted to me study on this topic. So this curiosity was ended with my study. 


Introduction about Village:

Farm Yard Manure (FYM) is prepared basically using cow dung, cow urine, waste straw and other dairy wastes.  The Kallapur village was located in under the Ramapura GP taluka, district of Dharwad, state of Karnataka, India.  This village having 1171 population and it has 411.30 hector geographical areas out of this area the agriculture available land is 410.2 hector. In this geographical area the majority farmers are growing sugarcane crop. And rests of crops are maize, paddy, etc.



Behind this study, I have motivated by Mr. Naveen Jha, the director of Deshpande Foundation.  I remembering here them, without their co operation this study will not happen. And I remember here those who helped directly and indirectly for this study.


Objectives of this study:

The main objectives of this study as given below:

1.      To study on production of manure by cow’s and buffalo’s.

2.      Effects of using organic manure.

3.      To know the importance of organic manure.

Used Methodology


In this study I used random methodology. And observation, interaction.  I have collected secondary data from Gram Panchyat of Kallapur village, KVK, The Organic Institute of Dharwad, and Internet.  For primary data I have interacted with the Kallapur village farmers. Over all in this study I was used random methodology. 

Findigns of the study

Major Findings:

The major finding of this study was I have found some important findings through this study. These are given below,

1.      3 – 4 tons Farm Yard Manure will require per hector land. And 2 – 3 tons of vermicompost will require per hector.

2.      One cow/buffalo will give 7 to 15 kg of dung in a day.

3.      FYM is rich in nutrients.

4.      Application of FYM improves soil fertility.

5.      Require manure for the 410 hector land is FYM 1230 to 1640 tons and Vermicompost 820 to 1230 tons.

6.      Cost of Organic manure for vermicompost 425 to 500 Rs per 50 kg. And for FYM 1500 to 2000 Rs. Per ton.

7.      Compare to cost of FYM and Vermicompost higher than chemical fertilizer.

8.      FYM was easily accessible.

Require Organic Manure

 For Kallapur village:

The Kallapur village having 410 hector cultivating land. I found result for require animals to convert organic manure of the village. For the one ton 66 animals (Buffalo’s) are require.  For per hector 233 animals are and for the total 410 hector land 95530 animals are require. 



Through this study I came to conclusion.  The output of this study was that the farmers are using more chemical fertilizers than the organic manure. Because of the using of technology leads to the less use of animals, for example if formers are using tractor the work of animals are reduced automatically. Another important thing is that the process of organic manure (vermicompost) is lengthy and orientation for the farmers they are not able to practice it. So farmer’s are using of chemical fertilizer. And cost of organic manure high than the chemical fertilizer. According to some researchers high using of chemical fertilizer will decrease the soil fertility. I as per suggestion Govt. and NGO should be taken imitative to train the farmers for using of organic manure. Farmers should be take initiative to do practice on it.



This study was completed with the help of under mentioned references. Following these are given below: The Krashi Vidnayan Kendra Dharwad, The Organic Istitutte of Dharwad Agriculture University, Punjab State Council for Science and Technology, Chandigarh.

Internet source:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Report on Village Study


We all Deshpande Foundation fellows were visited to ‘Kamlikoppa’ village for exposure visit.  This village was situated in Kalaghatgi taluka Dharwad district.  In this village area Deshpande Foundation partner NGO BAIF has been working for rural development.  The “Bharatiya Agro-Industrial Foundation” (BAIF) was built a ‘Gram Chetana’ training center with the help of people participation in the ‘Soorshettykoppa’ village area.

Through the help of BAIF NGO we all DFP students are visited to ‘Kamplikoppa’ village for the village study exposure.  In this village we were done lot of work regarding Participatory Rural Appraisal.  Especially we were performed Matrix Ranking on compost through the help of villagers.

Nagnoor Village

About Nagnoor Village:

The Nagnoor village was located in Kalaghatgi taluka, Dharwad district, Karnataka state, India.  This village was comes under the Gram Panchayat of ‘Soorsheetykoppa’. This village was comes under the south Dharwad district.  It is 25km away from the Hubli.

History of Village

History of Nagnoor Village:

The Nagnoor village has own history.  In this village earlier the per cent of Snakes was very.  So people are called as Nagnoor. It means ‘Nag’ means ‘Snake’ 'Uru' means’Village’ that’s why calling this village as Nagnoor. This data was collected by villagers especially old age people.  They have one temple of Nagadevata also. It proves that name of Nagnoor.   


Demography of Nagnoor village:

In the Nagnoor village there are 360 habitants has been living.  It has been 1390 population, male are 686 and female are 704.  A voter 891 in this voter’s male rate is 473 and female rate is 418.  There are 230 BPL families and 56 APL families are living.  It has 6 temples, one govt. primary school, one over water tank and 7 small water tanks.  This village has reached literacy level up to 90%.  There is one community hall, one Anganwadi and one dairy milk has 1998 cattle’s.  It has 1982.2 acre of cultivated land.  In this cultivated land irrigated land is 348.26 acres and dray land cultivated area is 1083.23 acres of land.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Acitivities of Nagnoor

Conducted Activities:

In the Nagnoor village our group was conducted some important activities as a part of village study or participatory rural appraisal.  Follow these activities in detail:

Nagoor Transect Walk

Transect Walk:  

Firstly we were conducted transect walk of the Nagnoor village.  In this walk we taken help of the villagers.  In the transect walk found the agriculture area, sanitation, forest area, water resource, public infrastructure etc.

FGD on Health and Sanitation

Focused Group Discussion (FGD): 

We were conducted FGD on the on health and sanitation. In this FGD we got lot of information regarding health and sanitation.

Time Line:

Time Line on Women Problem:

We were conducted time line in the Nagnoor village.  In this time line we were focused on women problems before 25 years and after 25 years. 

Village Mapping

Social Mapping:  

We were conducted social mapping regarding their village.  People are participated highly in the social mapping specially women.  We were used one technique for invitation of women that’s to use Kunkum invitation. Trough this social mapping we learnt about the village. Available infrastructure, wells, bore wells, school, primary health center etc.  

Matrix Ranking

Matrix Ranking on Compost:

We were conducted matrix ranking on the compost.  Especially elder farmers are participated. In this matrix ranking farmers are given high priority to farm based compost and second priority has given to vermi-compost, lastly chemical fertilizer got priority.

Secondary data collection

We were collected secondary data from the various parts of the village. Following these several places which we were collected secondary data.  Following as given below: 

Data from Nursery school

Visit to Anganwadi:  

We were collected secondary data from the Anganwadi teacher regarding village.  There are 80 children enrolled but out of 80, 35 children are present.  In the Angawadi some govt. schemes have been running.  For example Madilu Yojane, Bhagyalaxmi Yojane etc.

Data from village accountant

Village Accountant:  

In this village we were visited to village accountant for the collection of secondary data.  Village accountant was given data regarding small farmers, large farmers, number of APL and BPL families, total land, irrigated and on-irrigated land and bout Govt. schemes etc.

Gram Panchayat:

Gram Panchayat Visit:

As a part of secondary data collection we were visited to Gram Panchayat.  The Nagnoor village doesn’t have gram Panchayat in its village.  It comes under ‘Shoorshettykoppa’ village.  We met to Gram Panchayat Clark.  We were collected data regarding Nagnoor village.

Farm Visit:

Farm Exposure Visit: 

We visited to some farms also.  We were got exposure visit of crops which are growing farmers in the different place and we observed soil alos.


Visit to Dairy Society: 

For the data of animals we were visited to dairy which is located in Nagnoor village.  The dairy secretary was given data is that there are 1998 animals including cows and other cattle’s.     


Resource Mapping:

We were conducted resource mapping by the help of villager’s participation. Through this resource map we were got lot of information regarding available resources in the village. For example, forest area, water resource, cultivation land, grazing land, wells, bore wells and crops etc.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Deshpande Foundation Opening Ceremony:

DCSE Opening Ceremony:

The Deshpande Center for Social Entrepreneurship (DCSE) building opening ceremony was done successfully in Hubli, Dharwad district, Karnataka state, India.  Friday 6th February 2009 was milestone and memorable day for Hubli as well as Karnataka people.

The DCSE building was opened by ex-president Dr. APJ.Abdul Kalam.  In this opening ceremony so many important personalities was participated e.g. Mr. R.N.Narayan Murthy Chief Mentor, Infosys, Mrs. Sudha Murthy, Mr. Gururaj Deshapnde founder of DCSE, Mrs. Jaishree Deshpande and Mr.Prabhakar Kore(MP) the chairman of KLE’ Society Belgum etc.

In this accession Dr. APJ was gave some important message to students that is

“Small dream is crime” “I do. We do. India will do”.

Dr. Kalam was accounted on reliance of fuel. He said there are three way: First, Maximum utilization of Solar energy.  Secondly, to use thorium nuclear power.  Lastly to use bio-diesel.





Snaps of DCSE Opening Ceremony

The DCSE opening ceremony snaps:
These are the some memorable snaps of DCSE opening ceremony.   
In the first  snap all Deshpande Foundation members are appeared with 
Dr. APJ.Abdual Kalam and Mr.Mrs. Murthy and Mr.Mrs.Deshpande.  

In the second  snap, Mr. Mrs. Deshpande's are recieving memorable gift from Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. For more information and snaps visit:

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Pulse Polio Program

Dear all,
Pulse Polio Lead Program:
I have done "Pulse Polio Lead Activity" in the Sai Nagar of Hubli.  In this lead activity I have taken help form the Sai Nagar Hubli Anganwadi Block-II.  Through this activity I given awareness to thecommunity people.  I have visited 200 homes in this program.   Really it was vital program for the eradication of polio disease.

Hampi Trip

Dear all,
The Hampi Trip:
We all Development Dialogue members are visited to Hampi.  Hampi Dynasty was a last Hindu dynasty.  It was situated in the Bellary District of Karnatka state.  It is 10 km away form Hospet.  This also  symbol of Art and Cultur.  This dynasty rolled in 15 and 16th century.  This historical spot was famous for Veeranarayan Temple, Sasive Ganesh, Krishana Temple, Lotus Mahal, Mahanavami Dibba. Hanuman Temple etc.  This place was memorable for Ramayan story.  In the role of Vijaynagar empire so many foreign visitors are visited. For example, Abdul Razak, Ho-en-stang etc. We enjoyed lot here.  Everyone should be visit to  this spot.  

Development Dialogue

Dear all,

Development Dialogue
The Deshpande Foundation was conducted  "Development Dialogue" at Hubli.  The Development Dialogue has gone 27th January to 29th Jan.  In this DD  300 delegates are came across the world. In this DD I gained lot of knowledge regarding Innovative projects, Several modules, National & International organizations.

Candal March

Dear all,

26th January Candal March at Hubli,Karnataka

In the Republic Day we have celebrated candal march for the devoted soldures in the Mumbai terror attac.  We all Deshpande Foundation Fellows cohort-II surrounded around the Queen Channamma Circle with candal peacefully.  Our candal march has completed successfully and peacefully.
