Saturday, January 24, 2009

Discussion with Venu Gopal

Dear all,

This is great moment for me.  Because, I had  discussed some important issues  regarding social development and social entrepreneurship with Mr. Venu Goapal Director of "Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement" Mysore.  
I never forget this moment in my life.

Geust Lecture:Mr.Venu Gopal


Dear all,

Today was vital day for me because, today listened lecture of Mr. Venu Gopal.  He is director of “Vivekananda Youth Movement”.  He has spooked on strategies of solving problems and I learnt lot of games, folk songs.  They accounted on role of social entrepreneur in the society.  Also they accounted on Strategies for social entrepreneurship. 

Friday, January 23, 2009


Dear all,

Today I'll giving important information regarding Agasthya NGO.  Agasthya NGO is working for science awareness.  It has been  giving lot inputs regarding science awareness in  the Govt. Primary and Secondary schools.  Through their job primary and secondary school students are getting practical knowledge regarding science.  

I'm really inspired with their work.  I saw only one organisation which is working for science.  One another real thing is that they giving free of cost to the Govt. school students.  The rural and urban students are easily getting practical knowledge of science.

I'm very Lucky to say this I'm visited to this organization at Hubli Karnataka state.



Dear all,


 Change is imminent.  However, to bring about a positive change, one requires a vision and unflinching commitment.  Post independence, India has come a long way.  Yet, India’s success saga is interspersed with chronic poverty and illiteracy.  Though at one level, these problems may seem irreversible, the fact is that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Tomorrow's India demands empowered Indians.  People empowered with knowledge.  And this can only be achieved by imparting education to every child.   This mission calls for resolute individuals and groups to rise to the occasion and contribute positively towards building a stronger India. 

Education is the key for bridging the divide that exists in our country.  With information Technology and a resurgent economy, India has arrived on the global platform.  The coming of age of the Indian middle class too has been commendable.  But what about the other India, that is still combating the evils of malnutrition and abject poverty?  Akshaya Patra aims to bridge this gap through its innovative school meal program. 

In the year 2000, Akshaya Patra initiated a program of providing food to children in and around Banglore.  Akshaya Patra's free mid day meal program gave a boost to the prevailing nutritional level and school enrolments in Banglore.  Buoyed by the success, Akshaya Patra extended this program to various parts of India.  And in 8 years,  Akshaya Patra has become one of the world's largest NGO run school meal programs which is driven by the vision - No child in India shall be deprived of education because of hunger. As of today, Akshaya Patra is providing food to more than 9 lakh underprivileged children across India. 

In a journey that has spanned over 8 years, Akshaya Patra has been altruistically supported by its well wishers.  Akshaya Patra has indeed brought a positive difference to the lives of thousands of children across India who now have a future to look forward to. 

Please join us in lighting millions of candles of hope in every corner of India, and share our dream of feeding and educating  a million kids.  After all, India can’t awaken to life and freedom if we don’t. 

In the service of children

 Madhu Pandit Dasa



About Rajendra Singh

Mr. Rajendra Singh is a  founder of "Tarun Bharath Sangh" at Rajasthan.  This orgnization is located in Kishor&Bhikampur village.  It has been working on rain water harvesting and forest conservation. Mr. Rajendra singh has got megesess award for his work. Follow some photos of Mr. Rajendra Singh.

Photos of Orientation

Dear all,

This is photo of fellows and team of Akshaya Patra.

About Orientation

Dear all,

I have visited to "AKSHAYA PATRA" and "AGASTYA" orgnization as a part of my orientation.  Akshaya Patra is one of the greatest orgnization.  It is working Govt. schools feeding and it's promoting to children for come to school. 

It is world begest kitchen.  It was situated in Hubli Karnataka state.  This organization working under the Iscon temple of Rajasthan. Now it has been working across India. 

Saturday, January 10, 2009

About Me

Dear all,
I m Shambhuling.N.Matpathi.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Deshapande Foundation

Hi all,
Are you know about "Deshpande Foundation". The Deshpande Foundation is unique philanthropycall foundation which is creating social enterpreneurship in the society.
If you want more information visit to
